Sunday, 17 November 2013


 Name the following:

(From 2013 question paper)

1.       The cell body of a nerve cell
2.       The waxy layer on the epidermis of the leaf meant to reduce transpiration
3.       A non-biodegradable pesticide
4.       The physical expression of a gene in an individual
5.       Knot-like mass of blood capillaries inside the bowman’s capsule

(From 2012 question paper) 

6.       The phenomenon by which living or dead plant cells absorb water by surface attraction
7.       The phase of cardiac cycle in which the auricles contract
8.       The organ where urea is produced
9.       The hormone that helps increase the reabsorption of water from kidney tubules
10.   Chemical substances produced by microorganisms that can kill or inhibit the growth of other micro-organisms

(From 2011 question paper) 

11.   The mineral element essential for the clotting of blood
12.   The cells of the testis that produce hormones
13.   The nutritive layer of the eye which also prevents  reflection of light
14.   The structural and functional unit of kidney
15.   The part of chloroplast where the light reaction of photosynthesis takes place

(From 2010 question paper)

16.   The type of cell division which occurs in the cells of reproductive organs
17.   A plant with sunken stomata
18.   A foreign body that induces the formation of antibodies in the body
19.   The place where fertilization occurs in the female reproductive system
20.   An organization that look after maternal and child welfare centers

(From 2009 question paper)

21.   The statistical study of the population of a region
22.   The biological term given to the protective membranes of brain
23.   The photosensitive pigment present in the rod cells of retina
24.   The cell organelle responsible for photosynthesis
25.   The internal layer of the eye which prevent reflection of light
1.       Cyton or Perikaryon     2. Cuticle    3. DDT    4. Phenotype     5. Glomerulus 
 6. Imbibition 7. Auricular systole      8. Liver    9. ADH or Vasopressin   10. Antibiotics     11. Calcium   12. Interstitial cells  or Leydig cells    13. Choroid layer    14. Nephron or Uriniferous tubule or Kidney tubule or Renal tubule     15. Grana or Thylakoid       16. Meiosis           17. Nerium    18. Antigen     19. Oviduct or Fallopian tube   20. Red cross   21. Demography   22. Meninges    23. Rhodopsin   24. Chloroplast   25. Choroid layer

(From 2008 Question Paper)

26.   A membrane that disappears during late prophase
27.   A fluid that occupies the larger cavity of the eyeball behind the lens
28.   The ground substance present in a chloroplast
29.   A specific part of the chromosome which determines hereditary characters
30.   A neurotransmitter stored in the terminal end of the axon

(From 2007 Question Paper)

31.   Cytoplasmic organelles that help in the manufacture of starch
32.   The statistical study of human population
33.   Pair of genes responsible for a particular characteristic in an individual
34.   A solution whose concentration is greater than that of the cell sap
35.   The fluid that provide protection and nourishment to the cells of brain

(From 2006 question paper)

36.   One combined vaccine given to babies which helps build immunity against three common diseases
37.   The structure responsible for preventing the trachea from collapsing
38.   The hormone that releases glucose into the blood
39.   The eye defect caused due to the shortening of the eyeball from front to back
40.   The chemical substance that cause muscle fatigue
(From 2005 question paper)

41.   The organ that produces urea
42.    The organization that suggests quarantine measures to prevent the spread of diseases  
43.   The tissue lining the inner part of the cheek of man
44.   Mutually beneficial association of two living organisms
45.   The phase of the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles relax

 (From 2004 question paper)

46.   The type of gene, which in the presence of a contrasting alle, is not expressed
47.   The vaccine that helps to produce immunity against Polio
48.   The canal through which the testis descend into the scrotum just before birth in a human male child
49.   The duct which carries urine from the urinary bladder to outside the body
50.   The bacteria which carries out the process of nitrification
51.   The respiratory pigment present in the Erythrocytes
52.   The tissue that transport manufactured food from the leaves to all parts of the plant
53.   The structure where photophosphorylation takes place

2                     26.   Nuclear membrane  27. Vitreous  humour     28. Matrix or Stroma    29.  Gene                  30. Acetylcholine     31. Chloroplast    32. Demography    33. Alleles or allelomorphs
     34.   Hypertonic solution   35. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)   36. DPT (Triple Antigen Vaccine)  37.   C-shaped cartilaginous rings    38. Glucagon   39. Hyperopia   40. Lactic acid    41. Liver  42.   WHO (World Health Organization) 43. Squamous epithelium  44. Symbiosis    45. Ventricular diastole   46. Recessive allele    47. Salk’s vaccine 48. Inguinal canal  49.   Urethra   50. Nitrifying bacteria    51. Haemoglobin    52. Phloem   53. Grana of chloroplast

(From 2003 question paper)

54.   The genetic constitution of an organism
55.   The tissue responsible for the ascent of sap in plants
56.   Apart of the eye responsible for its shape
57.   The part of the chloroplast where the dark reaction of photosynthesis occurs
58.   The kind of animal tissue found lining the respiratory organs
59.   The gland in the skin that secret sebum
60.   The pressure which is responsible for the movement of water molecules across the cortical cells of the root
61.   The blood vessel which carries oxygenated blood to the liver

(From 2002 question paper)

62.   A substance that initiates an immune response
63.   A fluid that transports fatty acids and glycerol
64.   The structure in which the testes are present in a man
65.   The micro-organism which cause AIDS
66.   The valve present in between chambers of the right side the heart
67.   Condition of a cell placed in hypotonic solution
68.   A pollutant largely responsible for acid rain
69.   The part of human brain that controls body temperature

54. Genotype   55. Xylem   56. Sclera    57. Matrix or Stroma   58. Ciliated epithelium    59. Sebaceous glands    60. Root pressure   61. Hepatic artery   62. Antigen   63. Lymph   64. Scrotal sacs   65. HIV (Human Immuno Virus)    66. Tricuspid Valve or Right auriculo ventricular valve 67. Turgid condition   68. Sulphur dioxide  69. Hypothalamus


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